Roaming planet

I took shape in the universe, and alighted here, on blue planet.
Have I been diverted by some misfortune, fooled by some illusion?
For in rest or in exaltation, emerge
other images, other feelings, other spaces, other impulses,
which bring to me the fugitive and moved perfumes of a remembered elsewhere.

I am seated astride here and elsewhere.
Everything here is stranger to me than elsewhere.
Here is submerged by clamours and amazements;
elsewhere is irrigated by friendship, scintillates from enthusiasm,
is shrouded in silence, and is patient ad infinitum.

Elsewhere and here are meeting in an intimate and secret haven.

Sunday, October 08, 2006


I left a tyrannical god for a loving and generous one, then rejected the narrowness and the pride of his human face to embrace the infinite of the universe and to blend in with it; today, I want to exorcize every image and to deal with life.

What do I know about life?

To the devil - that is definitely the word - all the questions: they are only pretexts to temporize indefinitely, to put off living. To ask myself whether I have lived little or badly is not to live. I do not know and do not want to know anything about it. That is: the questions are judgements which lead to other questions and chain me to a merry-go-round which never stops. It is time only to be.

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