Roaming planet

I took shape in the universe, and alighted here, on blue planet.
Have I been diverted by some misfortune, fooled by some illusion?
For in rest or in exaltation, emerge
other images, other feelings, other spaces, other impulses,
which bring to me the fugitive and moved perfumes of a remembered elsewhere.

I am seated astride here and elsewhere.
Everything here is stranger to me than elsewhere.
Here is submerged by clamours and amazements;
elsewhere is irrigated by friendship, scintillates from enthusiasm,
is shrouded in silence, and is patient ad infinitum.

Elsewhere and here are meeting in an intimate and secret haven.

Wednesday, August 01, 2007


“We are all related to God, and earth needs none of us to suffer: for it is miserable people's imprecations that pile up and cause all disasters.” (In a notebook of Gerard de Nerval)
“Nous sommes tous parents de Dieu, et la terre a besoin qu'aucun de nous ne souffre: car ce sont les imprécations des malheureux qui s'amassent et causent les désastres.” (Sur un carnet de Gérard de Nerval)