I dwell in life
“Let the little children come to me. Do not prevent them: yes, it is for their kind, the kingdom of Elohims.
Amen, I say to you: who does not welcome the kingdom of Elohims like a little child does not enter it.
He takes them in his arms...” (Mark 10, 14-16)
This sentence haunts me:
Amen, I say to you: who does not welcome the kingdom of Elohims like a little child does not enter it.
Fascinated by the paradox of this sentence, I had forgotten to look at the whole scene. However, it is written very clearly:
“He takes them in his arms...”
I welcome life,
as spontaneously as a little child
who tends his hands towards me
so that I take him in my arms:
thus, I am at home.
I dwell in life.